Saturday, October 26, 2013

Assisgment #7

 Advertisements and Fallacies

This past summer I completed a very interesting class which counted toward my humanities requirement for school. The name of this class was called "Introduction to Logic". This was a very intresting class breaking down logic and difference between valid and invalid concussions. I also came across a chapter called "Logical Fallacies". What is it you ask? According to, a fallacy is simply "a wrong belief : a false or mistaken idea". Please stay with me. You may ask, "What does advertisement and logical fallacies have to do with each other? I would say, they have everything to do with each other. In this postmodern world full of progange, many are easily mislead, for in many mind's fallacy does not exist. Truth is based on opinion. So this where advertisements come in. The purpose of advertisements is to sell. By weaving in low key logical fallacies, there is greater opportunities to increase sells and public opinion.

I will now give a few fallacies given by the text book, "Introduction to Logic edition 10", and then give examples of fallacies in common advertisements seen everyday. One fallacy is called, "False Cause": Wrongly assumes a cause and effect relationship. Another fallacy is called, "Appeal to Emotion": Which manipulates people's emotion in order to get their attention away from an important issue. Another fallacy is the "Bandwagon" fallacy. This creates the impression that everybody is doing it and so should you. All three of these fallacies can be seen in one Subway commercial . For example, in one Subway commercial famous swimmer, Michael Phelps is seen in a pool swimming. A voice in the background says, "Training has to be a life long passion, fueled by a "foot-long" passion". The message is, to be like Micheal you must eat Subway, this is a funny false cause. A few seconds later, his mother is seen over the pool with a Subway sandwich, ready to fed her son.The massage here is, to be a good mother you must fed your child with Subway. This is an appeal to emotion. Lastly, Michael and his mother says, "Official training restaurant of the Phelp's family, and athlete's everywhere". What is the message in saying, "athlete's everywhere"? This is a form a validation and promoting popularity. Since all athletes are eating it, you should to. There are other types of fallacies such as, Scare tactics, Appeal to the People, False Dilemma (Avoids another choice), Attack of the Person, Red Herring (focus on irrelevant topics to win a argument), Straw Man ( A misrepresentation) and Jumping to Concussions.

Now of course I'm not against Subway in of itself, but I believe we should be able to see fallacies in ads and their messages. So next time you watch an ad, ask yourself, "Is there a fallacy in this ad and what kind? You will become a more logical person, who does not waste money.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Assisigment #6

Soccer: Why is it so popular around the World?

This is a question that has baffled me for all of my life. Why is soccer the most popular sport in the world? All of my life American football has been the craze, here in American, but only "Football" (soccer) tops the list in most of the world. I researched alot of information about soccer, and have learned a great deal. Well, most have heard of the most widely viewed event called the "FIFA World Cup". According to it is estimated that, the average in-home global audience for each match was 188.4 million, up six percent on 2006, while the highest average audience measured was for the final at 530.9 million, up five percent on 2006". Why so much hype every four years in which soccer teams from all over the world compete for the right hold the " World Cup" in their hands? Well, soccer is very old sport. The first indications of an early formal form of football dates back 3,000 years to ancient China. Author Cliff Potter in July 10, 2010 in the article "The Real Truth: World Cup: Why soccer is so popular around the World" says, "So, the game is older than most other sports. It began in a country known for its export of culture and systems, and for its ownership of much of the world in the 1800s. And it was a sport that was easily exportable". The game still has rich history behind it, and still easily explorable all around the world, even though essences of the game has changed. Today its all about the dollar!

Okay, we know that soccer is one the oldest sports in the world and it is easily exportable, but why has it grown to the level of popularly, that in 2010 nearly half of the world viewed the FIFA World Cup, and shown in every single country and territory on Earth! There has to be something more to this! The same author spoken of earlier (Cliff Potter), gives a few reasons why this is so. First reason he argues is, that there are few money issues within this sport. He says, “Unlike even baseball, where there are few money barriers, a single ball is all that is relevant”. There are few money concerns in soccer, which is a plus. Second, “advertising and financing are very big in most countries in the world”. These countries are reaping huge benefits, so I have a feeling everyone’s happy! Also, soccer has a huge pool of talent all around the world, making it more appealing. So, there are many reasons why this sport is so big, too bad that will never happen in America.


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Assignment #5

Service Day: Interacting With Other Cultures

On 10/2/13, I went out to the community to service. Every single semester here at Washington Adventist University, students embark on many service acts around the Maryland and Washington Dc. On that very day I was close school, passing out Bibles, health magazines and small devotional books. These were not your standard english Bibles and books, but most in spanish. I passed out books in a area filled with those of spanish descent. How did it go? Wonderful! I will quickly share a few of my experiences. The first person I offered to was a spanish woman, who spoke little english, and thought I was selling these books. Along with her two children, she first rejected, then stared at what I offered and began to pull out her money. I told her it was free, and then she smiled with a smile of surprise. I gave her a spanish Bible and a small devotional book, she was grateful.

What else happened? Well, I also came in contact with two spanish gentlemen coming out of a liquor store, looking very down. I offered the books I had, and at first they didn't want anything. As I stood waiting to see more people, the same two guys came back to me a got the books. They both smiled at me, seeing that everything was in spanish. I was truly happy they came back. Lastly, a spanish young man came to me, and asked for books, and wanted to know my faith. He was very eager to learn about Jesus, which warmed my heart. I learned on that day that people from everywhere are hungry for the Word of God, and it is my job to witness continually. I had a great service day!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Assignment #4

Observing And Interviewing Immigrants

I greatly enjoyed my interview with two Mexican immigrants on September 25th. I first observed them while I was walking in a shopping center in Tokama  Park, Md; a city known for a wide range of immigrants. So, I walked and noticed these two men, who laughed up a storm, but spoke in Spanish, so I had no idea what was being said. I continued to noticed them from a far, and I saw one of the men with a very large hat. Man, it was big with all kinds of colors. I then saw one of the men dancing, and I wondered if that was a Mexican dance. Both men looked like they were on their lunch break, just having a good time. I then approached these men, and asked if I could have a quick word with them. As I spoke, they looked as if they had no idea what I was saying. Luckily, there was a friend of these men close by who knew both Spanish and English.

So, in Spanish they explained to me that they were Mexican immigrants, looking for jobs in American to provide for their families. One man told me that they had left the city of Iztapalapa to find a good opportunity for him and his family, who he cares deeply about. The second man told me he and his family was from a city name Leon. They both explained tough times in their cities and chose America. Both men were Christians and believed their God was blessing them. I asked them about their big hats, which are called  sombreros. Both men told me that these hats are usually warn in rural areas in Mexico. This was a 85 degrees day, so I understood why. Lastly, I asked them about the dances they were doing. They told me of the kind of Mexican dance they were doing, which is called "Ace". They told me its history and from what culture it is derived from, which is Latin. Most their dances are used in events such as weddings, celebrations, birthdays and  holidays. I had a wonderful time with these men, and recieved some benefical cultual knowlege. Great experience!