Sunday, September 29, 2013

Assignment #3

Mission Very Possible: Experience at a Baptist Church

On 9/22/2013, I embarked on a mission unlike no other, that was go to a Baptist church on Sunday. Many may be thinking, "Why is that such a wild mission"? Well, I am use to worshiping on the Seventh-day Sabbath, and have never gone to a Sunday church, but I do believe it was rewarding. When I walked into the doors of "First Baptist Church", located in Hyattsville , MD; I felt a warmth from the people around me.They were very friendly. The people were  full of life and very excited to praise God. During this field study, I desired greatly to have a one on one interview with the senior pastor, but I was unable. I enjoyed the service and the message from the speaker. I did noticed that the music was very lively (which I experience at my church every week). A lot of energy filled this place. I enjoyed seeing the different people and brightnesses in their faces. The building its self was very nice and the sanctuary was in order. This was a diverse attendance that was very energetic.
As the service was going on, I became more and more comfortable. I received many hugs and hand shacks.   After the service I did a quick interview with a elderly woman. She told of her experiences at this church and what it has meant to her and her family. She told me of the beliefs of this church and the leadership. I listened and wrote down a great deal of notes. She told me that this church believes in Jesus Christ as Lord and saviour (As I do as well). They believe in giving back to the community and showing the love of God in action (As I do as well). They also believed in the soon coming of Jesus (Same as me). After I listened to this kind woman, I had a fellowship meal with the people. As some may already know, Adventist are known as mostly Vegetarian and Vegan, believing that our bodies and minds are connected and both must be treated with great care. At fellowship meals, usually this plant-based diet is promoted. I see this is different in other circles (which I expected). But, what I was able to eat, I enjoyed and thanked the severs for their hospitality. Overall, great experience! I didn't know how I would handle this religious cultural shock, but things went pretty well! I enjoyed the people and the environment, I would do it again!

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