Thursday, December 12, 2013

Final Blog

The US in 25 Years: Not The Right Direction!

I may get in trouble for the things I may say in this blog, but it must be said! The United States of America is the most dominant nation on the face of the planet. At the same, this nation promotes freedom, justice and peace (I guess so). What is there not to like? Well, September 11th 2001 changed the course of this nation, which will lead to a one-world government, striping away freedom. The stripping of our freedoms are taking place at this time, yet few seem to care. Those who are for it, believe it is best for safety. Former president George W. Bush Sr said on September 11th 1990, "Out of these troubled times our fifth objective...a new world order. I know, this stuff sounds crazy to some, but signs are all around us.

Think about the Patriot Act which was passed in 2001. The Patriot Act, which permits the executive branch of government to conduct surveillance and searches of American citizens without satisfying the probable cause requirements of the Fourth Amendment. Recently the freedom of speech has been taken away. Government may prosecute librarians or keepers of any other records if they tell anyone that the government subpoenaed information related to a terror investigation. Even FEMA concentration camps are rising in America! How could this be? A new system is soon to be implemented. A new system that will take away religious, financial and civil rights. Men and women are even being spayed on 24/7 using the most to-date technology, including social networks. Our world is changing! Is it for the better? Some think so, others like me see a set up. Our government is corrupted and soon everything will come to a climax. Church and state will unite, and men and women will be forced to worship against their own free will. Papal Rome has called for this to happen throughout the world, and even Sunday Blue-Laws are on the books in this country. I could go in-depth, but I must go. Please research these issues for yourself and get out of a fairy-land thought mentality. 25 years from now, this will not be the most free land it once was. It will happen, watch!

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